Tired of fighting negative thoughts every day?
Sick of trying to make changes in your life & career only for your inner-critic to tell you that you're worthless & that you'll fail?
You have a successful career, a happy personal life but still feel like you're failing...
You want to make changes, but your Inner-Critic keeps getting in the way & no matter what you do it just gets louder.
This Is For You If:
No matter what you do, no matter how successful you may be, you never feel good enough. It may be at work, at home or with a hobby, or with something new that you've always wanted to try. Your inner-voice keeps telling you 'You Aren't Good Enough', 'Everyone will laugh at you', 'You'll just let everyone down'. .
There's so many things you want to do, new things, exciting things! But you don't. You Inner-Critic jumps in to tell you that you cannot, that you don't deserve to, that it's not for people like you.
You try fighting with it, you try ignoring it, you try to disprove it. Nothing works. It just gets louder, hangs around longer and often gets nastier in what it says to you. I know how exhausting it is, I've been there.
You want to make changes, to release some unhelpful habits and develop new more useful ones. Whether it's to do with managing work-life balance, eating, smoking, exercising or simply looking after your needs better, you don't see it through. That inner-voice kicks in, 'You'll never do this', 'You'll fail like always', 'Why bother? You never succeed'.
Grow Unshakeable Self-Belief
We all need an Inner-Critic. This course will help you create a more helpful relationship with your Inner-Critic, one where it fulfils its role in a way that doesn't damage your self-belief.
Imagine having an inner-voice that supports and encourages you? One that even begins to support your inner-critic in being more helpful? This course will show you how to create your own Inner-Cheerleader.
A technique that will be based on your life experience and your achievements that helps you clarify and embed your values whilst providing evidence to support your growing self-belief.
Learn how to summon up your inner-cheerleader and growing self-belief any time you need them. Imagine that - Self-Belief on demand!
Create a clear plan to continue growing your Self-Belief and nurturing your Inner-Cheerleader.
Lou is a Trainer of NLP, Certified by the American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP), Mindset Coach & Master Practitioner of NLP certified by The Society of NLP (SNLP)]. In addition, Lou is a full professional and trainer member of the Association of NLP (ANLP).
Learning & Development is one of Lou’s passions and, with over 30 years experience in that field she is a talented & creative trainer. Lou describes the training room as one of her ‘happy places’ and lves nothing more than taking delegates on a journey that will empower them to realise their potential.
As an independent coach & trainer since 2015, Lou has added Time Line Therapy™, Clinical Hypnotherapy & Multiple Brain Integration Technique (mBIT) coaching to he offering. NLP remains at the centre of her coaching offering & she is now supporting clients to recondition their brain, equipping them with strategies to make long-term, sustainable changes in their lives.
Lou is known for her pragmatic, creative, no-nonsense approach combined with a healthy dose of humour & passion to help others thrive.
Lou Laggan
Founder - Coaching with CAKE
If you're starting to wonder 'what's all this about the bear and #bearwisdom', just click on the bear to find out.
The online learning material includes videos, audios, workbooks and a number of practical exercises as well as the 121 coaching session via Zoom.
All in bite size chunks so that you can fit it in to your own schedule.
All of this for only £35
Lou makes you feel so comfortable and at ease from the start. I was able to trust & confide in her.
I've gained a more balanced approach & I'm more at peace & happy with my life.
You feel safe working with Lou & it's so liberating. Lou helped me see redundancy as an opportunity to focus on me. If you feel stuck, or your inner-critic is in overdrive, then Lou can help you change your life.
Lou is an exceptional trainer with a wealth of knowledge, skill & experience at her fingertips. She delivers impactful training that is engaging, creative and fun. I could always rely on Lou to create something new & challenging which enabled delegates to stretch their limits & achieve more than they thought they were capable of.
Director, Customer Service
If All This Did For You Was...
YES... Of Course It Would!
Lou was a wonderful facilitator and quickly put everyone at ease with a range of activities that all were willing to engage with. The day was a mixture of some theory, some sharing, some analysis of where we were emotionally and lots of practical suggestions of how to take control of our inner critic. We all came away feeling much more empowered. Thank you Lou.
C Bland, Head Teacher